Looking and feeling the best you can for your age is the healthy way to be. These eight tips can help with this….
Ten Tips to Look and Feel Great As you Age

Looking and feeling the best you can for your age is the healthy way to be. These eight tips can help with this….
Comfort YES its a must! Yes you CAN have your own style and have comfort. These days I class long haul as anything over 9 hours. My tips are as follows (especially for those 15 or 23 hour flights):…
If we pay attention to our skin with our grooming – a good skincare routine, quality makeup plus wear good clothing styles for our body shape, wear colours that suit us and are in harmony with our skintone, hair and eyes we will feel good on the inside ……
Eau de Toilette is less concentrated and contains more water than eau de parfum which contains more alcohol. If you want your fragrance ……
Lifestyle changes may mean you have put on weight and/or your skin may have become dull. It is always helpful to have the support and encouragement of someone who has your best interests at heart. Enlisting an expert can help you cope with changes to your lifestyle…
We had an amazing day with the Winner of our “Style Day Especially for YOU” Competition. Lyndi MacRae rose to the challenge and sent in a video to Beauty Glow explaining her reasons for wanting to win the competition. In these busy times it is too easy to put ourselves on the back burner and at the end of the list….
Makeup is something which some women love to apply and others are not so keen. Do you feel irritated when you go to apply makeup every day or for a special occasion and arent sure that your foundation is quite the right colour – or your eye shadow isnt enhancing your eyes but doing the opposite. So maybe sometimes you just don’t bother with makeup?…
Our Style Day “Especially for You” Competition is so easy to enter – Simply (1) Take a short video of why you would like to win (2) Post to our Facebook Page (3) Share with your friends Closes 31st March 2015…
How do you feel when an impromptu trip comes up? Whether it is for work or leisure – Are you excited? Pumped? Thrilled to have a change for a little while … or do you have butterflies in your tummy and are thrown into a mad panic thinking what to take and how to pack very quickly? Here are some tips so that you can pack at…
Beauty Glow can help with advice on your skin type with professional knowledge and products
Its not just teenagers who get oily skin – many people in their 20s and older have oily skin also. Oily skin is a “type” and not a condition. Oily skin tends to have larger pores and often looks shiny because the oil-producing sebaceous glands are very active. This makes you more…