Comfort YES its a must! Yes you CAN have your own style and have comfort. These days I class long haul as anything over 9 hours. My tips are as follows (especially for those 15 or 23 hour flights):…
Long Haul Travel in Comfort

Comfort YES its a must! Yes you CAN have your own style and have comfort. These days I class long haul as anything over 9 hours. My tips are as follows (especially for those 15 or 23 hour flights):…
I recently completed a Style Challenge set by one of my Trainers Imogen Lamport from the Academy of Professional Image – one of the challenges was to wear a statement necklace …
How do you feel when an impromptu trip comes up? Whether it is for work or leisure – Are you excited? Pumped? Thrilled to have a change for a little while … or do you have butterflies in your tummy and are thrown into a mad panic thinking what to take and how to pack very quickly? Here are some tips so that you can pack at…