Day to day and week to week wardrobe choices can depend largely on how your core needs are balanced….
Six Core Needs and Our Wardrobe

Day to day and week to week wardrobe choices can depend largely on how your core needs are balanced….
Lifestyle changes may mean you have put on weight and/or your skin may have become dull. It is always helpful to have the support and encouragement of someone who has your best interests at heart. Enlisting an expert can help you cope with changes to your lifestyle…
Most of us are lucky enough to have choice in our day to day life to a certain extent. Just think for a moment though about maybe making that choice to have only what we want, what is comfortable for us and what is good for our lifestyle right now….
5 Clever Tips To Look Fabulous No Matter What Your Size Is
Everyone has figure differences. This is part of what makes us unique. The trick is to highlight your favourite parts and diminish the least favourite. When you are planning to shop for the new season, be sure to keep your body type in mind. By following simple tips when shopping and dressing, you can easily accentuate the positive and downplay the body…
The psychological effect colour has is quite surprising. Just imagine if you walked into a gym and EVERYONE was wearing all black…
How do you feel when an impromptu trip comes up? Whether it is for work or leisure – Are you excited? Pumped? Thrilled to have a change for a little while … or do you have butterflies in your tummy and are thrown into a mad panic thinking what to take and how to pack very quickly? Here are some tips so that you can pack at…