As well as Size there is Type of jean – Rise, Cut and Colour (or type of Wash) – Here is some information for you about choosing jeans:…
One Size Fits All

As well as Size there is Type of jean – Rise, Cut and Colour (or type of Wash) – Here is some information for you about choosing jeans:…
We had an amazing day with the Winner of our “Style Day Especially for YOU” Competition. Lyndi MacRae rose to the challenge and sent in a video to Beauty Glow explaining her reasons for wanting to win the competition. In these busy times it is too easy to put ourselves on the back burner and at the end of the list….
Our Style Day “Especially for You” Competition is so easy to enter – Simply (1) Take a short video of why you would like to win (2) Post to our Facebook Page (3) Share with your friends Closes 31st March 2015…
How do you feel when an impromptu trip comes up? Whether it is for work or leisure – Are you excited? Pumped? Thrilled to have a change for a little while … or do you have butterflies in your tummy and are thrown into a mad panic thinking what to take and how to pack very quickly? Here are some tips so that you can pack at…